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EPR Imaging Toolbox collection user manual |
ProcessGUI toolbox Many data processing protocols, e.g. image reconstruction, require large number of input parameters. We utilize a scheme in which these parameters are organized as a fields of structures, which are themselves the fields of the root structure. In the case when the processing function supports such an input the whole system of parameters of any complexity can be loaded directly from files and conveniently edited similar to: Example: % Load parameters [pars, definition, ini_pars] = ProcessLoadScenario('PulseRecon.scn', 'Pulse T1inv.par'); % Modify some parameters pars.prc.save_data = 'no'; pars.fbp.projection_order = 'msps'; % save modified parameters ini_pars.prc.save_data = 'no'; % or ini_pars.prc.save_data = ProcessFormController('', struct('save_data', 'no'), ProcessGetDefinition(definition, 'prc', 'save_data'), 'fields2ini'); ini_pars.fbp.projection_order = 'msps'; inimanage('Pulse T1inv mod.par', ini_pars); % Image processing (ese_fbp_InvRec - processing function) res = ese_fbp_InvRec('test_t1_image.tdms', '', '', pars); Legend: EPR-IT functions; MATLAB functions; comments. Note that there could be multiple sets of parameters that have exactly the same structure. ProcessGUI encapsulates parameter management and provides easy access to all parameters. The parameters can be as follows:Description: par - root of the parameters (structure) ~.fbp - fbp group (structure) ~.scheme - value ~.npolar - value ~.td - td group (structure) ~.awin - value ~.profile_file - value The scheme is fully customizable and it's definition (called scenario) can be loaded from a scenario (SCN) file that contains a MATLAB script. The parameter values are stored in INI-style (PAR) files. The files with scenarios and parameters of EPRI toolbox are located in the 'epri/scenario' folder. Parameter definition. Scenario (SCN) file is a MATLAB script. Two MATLAB macros are used to define groups and fields: get_group and get_input_fields, correspondingly. get_group macro has two arguments: Group name to diplay and name of the group, which become a field of fields structure. There are four types of fields that can be defined: string choice, code "IDXS"; double value, code "D"; a string with code "S"; and file name with code "F". get_input_fields macro has four parameters: Parameter's name to display, parameter's field to be added to fields structure, default value and parameter code. For "IDXS" field the list of choices has to be added to the field using structure fields Show and Options (see below). Definition of Flag structure field and se`ting Flag to 1 causes ProcessGUI to display pop-up window with this parameter. Description: Description of parameter definition data structure Group (structure) ~.Name - name of the group (string) ~.Field - structure field name (string) ~.Parameters - (cell array) of parameters Parameters (structure) ~.Name ~.Field ~.Value ~.Type - field type (string, 'IDXS'/'D'/'S'/'F') 'IDXS': string choice 'D': double value 'S': string value 'F': file name ~.AutoSave - save field (int 0/1, 1 = save) ~.Options - for IDXS field (cell array of strings) ~.Flags - use pop-up dialog (int 0/1, 1 = show dialog) ~.Show - for IDXS field (cell array of strings) ~.Group - structure field name of the corresponding group (string) Example: % SCN file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Name for scenario scenario = 'Pulse image reconstruction'; % get_group is the macro for group creation groups{1} = get_group('Data load parameters', 'fbp'); groups{2} = get_group('Time domain', 'td'); % fields for the group "fbp" will be "fields_FBP" % fields for the group "td" will be "fields_TD" % get_input_fields is the macro for field creation % IDXS "string choice" field fields_FBP{1} = get_input_fields('Scheme', 'scheme', 'single_b', 'IDXS'); fields_FBP{end}.Show = {'SB', 'MB'}; fields_FBP{end}.Options = {'single_b', 'multi_b'}; % D "double" value field, the Flag will force a dialog window to pop up fields_FBP{end+1} = get_input_fields('Polar angles', 'nPolar', 18, 'D'); fields_FBP{end}.Flag = 1; % S "string" field fields_TD{1} = get_input_fields('awin', 'awin', 'none', 'S'); % F "file name" field fields_TD{end+1} = get_input_fields('Profile correction file', 'profile_file', 'ffff', 'F'); Legend: EPR-IT functions; MATLAB functions; comments. Parameter values. Parameter's PAR file is, structure wise, an INI file, a result of saving scenario using inimanage utility. Upon loading ProcessLoadScenario ensures exact correspondence of loading fields to the scenario. Fields that are not part of scenario will not be loaded. Example: ; PAR file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [fbp] scheme = single_b nPolar = 13 [td] awin = none profile_file = V:\data\Imagnet_PULSE\14\08\140814\cavity_profile.mat Legend: EPR-IT functions; MATLAB functions; comments. |