Convert lorentzian line width to oxygen concentration.
pO2 = epr_LLW_PO2(LLW)
pO2 = epr_LLW_PO2(LLW, Amp, mask, probe_info)
Converts lorentzian line width to oxygen concentration for the given parameters.
γ is the gyromagnetic ratio of electron, 2.802 MHz/G.
Other parameters are described below.
LLW - matrix of lorentzian line widths LLW (float, mG)
Amp - matrix of spin probe concentration I (float, a.u.)
probe_info - (structure) of spin probe parameters
~.LLW_zero_po2 - Lorentzian line width LLWpO2=0 at 0 torr (float, mG, default is 10.2)
~.Torr_per_mGauss - proportionality coefficient κ (float, torr/mG, default is 1.84)
~.mG_per_mM - self broadening coefficient a (float, mG/mM, default is 0)
~.MDNmG_per_mM - self broadening coefficient for median spin-probe concentration (float, mG/mM, default is 0)
~.amp1mM - intensity I1mM corresponding to 1 mM (float, a.u.)
mask - mask to select values for conversion, use true(size(T2)) to select all (boolean)
pO2 - matrix of oxygen concentrations (float, torr)
LLW = 22;
Legend: EPR-IT functions; MATLAB functions; .